Annual Membership
Every U3A Ringwood member renews their membership, late in the current year, for the following year.
You can re-new your membership online or with paper forms. Re-enrolling online and paying membership fees online involves only a few easy steps and no paperwork.
Click on the following button to view, download and print our membership/class enrolment forms.
Next year’s application forms will be available from November each year.
If you wish to use the online option to renew your membership:
Click on the blue Member Login icon opposite
Click on “Log in” on LHS menu. Enter your member number and password. If you have forgotten your password or have never had one click on Forget password? under Help Links. Complete next form and follow instructions on the email we send you. If the email is not received within 10 mins check your SPAM or JUNK email folder. After re-setting password go back to 1st step.
Click on My Membership and make sure all of your information is up-to-date. Enter changes then click on SAVE.
Click on Courses then scroll through list of classes and select the course you want to enrol in. Read the information on the course and then click on ADD TO CART if you wish to enrol in that course. Repeat process until you have enrolled in all classes you want.
Click on CART to confirm that all of the courses you selected are in your CART
Click on CHECKOUT on Left hand menu when you have finished your course selections. You need to tick the box that you have read and agreed to our Code of Conduct then click CHECKOUT again.
If you cannot see your membership invoice, click on MY INVOICES on Left hand menu. Select your current invoice to view it.
If paying online click on the yellow PAY WITH PAYPAL icon on top of your invoice. You can use your PayPal account (if you have one) or with your credit/debit card (use Pay With Card option). Enter required information then click on Continue to make your payment. You do not need to have or to open a PayPal account to use the Pay With Card option.
If not paying online your invoice has the alternate payment methods.