2023 Christmas Lunch

2023 Christmas Lunch A very enjoyable U3A Ringwood 2023 Christmas lunch was held at the Dorset Gardens Hotel, Croydon. The two course Christmas lunch consisted of: Roast Turkey & Glazed Ham served with Potato, Greens and Roast Vegetables. Topped with

Member Badges

Member Badges You will be issued with a green temporary badge and lanyard when you pay your joining fees. An on-going, yellow membership badge will be issued to you soon after you have paid your joining fees. You can obtain

Grant Updates

Grant Updates U3A Ringwood has received the following grants. These grants are important to our aim to keep membership fees low and for providing services to our community, our members and our tutors. U3A Ringwood Inc gratefully acknowledges the ongoing

Member System Help

Member System Help U3A Ringwood uses the UMAS membership application provided by U3A Network Victoria. UMAS allows you to use any internet connected device to: View our courses including what they offer, their location, frequency, available places, etc Join U3A Ringwood


Defibrillators @ All Locations U3A Ringwood has access to: A defibrillator at the Parkwood Community Hub near classroom 3, and Two defibrillators at the Kevin Pratt Pavilion / Norwood Sporting Club. One is on the upper level near the fridge

Members’ Voices

Members’ Voices I have made so many friends since I joined U3A Ringwood. Retirement is great!” Margaret Member “The American history component of English Poetry has opened up a world of information that I knew nothing about.” John Member “Our